Can Teenager Have Tyroid How Can You Tell If A Teenager Is Mentally Hysteric?

How can you tell if a teenager is mentally hysteric? - can teenager have tyroid

Anger disorders and schizophrenia in my family, everyone in every part of my father.
My mother was a schizophrenic mother, father, brother, father and sister were has a bad anger disorder and my mother-let, which says this and I can not control Mother it.My, I'm normal, I tossed around ", but everyone knows that this is not the father said, I case.My like his mother and his brothers when they diagnosed with schizophrenia, because I am still in the" land of "I broke my fast and Sometimes I hear things that are not there. My mother refuses to unprotected me, but I need this help.Does sound that good to me, I mentally unstable?


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